House of Talents

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Sadie Hennessy

Our In-House Entertainments Officer

Sadie Hennessy (Miss) is the Chairwoman of the Whitstable ANchorage Klub, which puts on variety shows in the North Kent region, and beyond.

She trained at Dartington College for Young Ladies, with a diploma in Site-Specific Picnics, and completed her education at Central St. Martin's Finishing School, with an MA specialising in the Re-Purposing of Coastal Bandstands .

In her spare time she volunteers for the RSPB, constructing bird hides out of discarded pornographic magazines.

To fling open the doors to the House of Talents’ Entertainment’s Room, Sadie has created the world’s first ever End of the Pier Show Pandemic special.

She’s gently encouraging people to give a £3 donation, from which 10% of all profits (after modest payment of all the artists who took part) will go to Médecins Sans Frontières.



Insta: @memphishennessy