Astrid Ladenburg

Astrid Ladenburg.jpeg

Hello my name is Astrid Ladenburg and I am the youngest member of my family and get fed quite advanced food for a 9 year old. I’m called the ‘breakfast, lunch and dinner tourist’ because I am always eyeing up the biggest portion of beef, potatoes and the like. Currently one of my most famed dishes is a burger and chips and I enjoy mine with the cheese on the patty melting. My preferred cheese in the burger is cheddar and I do enjoy the crunch of the lettuce and the plump ripeness of the tomatoes. I always prefer my chips skinny and slightly crunchy. What I look for when I eat a meal are two things, taste and texture. (The 2 T’s) A great example of this, in my opinion, are broccoli stems, they have a lovely ripe taste that explodes in your mouth and they’re not quite soft or hard... the perfect texture!

Astrid hearty chorizo stew (cunningly timed to coincide with this brief burst of autumn).

Astrid, our in-house food reviewer turns her talents to chorizo stew.

Below, Astrid takes on the rich and tasty topic of barbecued chicken.

Astrid's introduction to making her pizza