Faustomaria Dorelli


What’s on offer

Faustomaria teaches a 'Hatha Flow' involving the awareness of breath, as energy, to move into more complex asanas. He also leads monthly sessions of Kirtan, using the singing of ancient mantras to focus the mind and open the heart. Book yoga classes here: www.dorelli.co.uk 


Trained by Swami Vishnudevananda, the founder of the Sivananda Vedanta Organisation, Faustomaria earned his diploma in 1985 and began teaching in the Ashrams of the Sivananda Organisation across the world. In 1996 he opened the Innergy Yoga centre in West London where he taught, for the following 16 years, the 'Art of Living' through the asanas of Hatha Yoga, the philosophy of Raja Yoga, the stillness of Meditation, the transcending heart of Kirtan Chanting and the selfless service of Karma Yoga.


Website: www.dorelli.co.uk